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Approaching Midnight\" is a gripping military themed action drama that follows young Army staff sergeant Wesley Kent (Sam Logan Khaleghi) who returns to his small town America home from war abroad. Kent must cope with burying the body of his best friend who passed away under his command Corporal AJ Culpepper (Brandon T. Jackson - \"Tropic Thunder\") and solving the mystery behind the tragic accident that took the life of his girlfriend, Aspen Malverne (Jana Kramer - TVs \"One Tree Hill\") who also passed away in a car accident while he was abroad. After seeking more information about her accident from local authorities, Kent believes that her death wasn\'t just a \'unexpected event,\' while Aspen\'s father Mayor Steven Malverne is running for higher political office as Governor of the state. As the pieces unfold in Kent\'s chase, he discovers that Aspen\'s father is involved in illegal arms trading. Kent must now stop at nothing to complete one final mission and topple a tower of deception and ...

临近午夜电影完整版高清在线观看和临近午夜迅雷下载地址,如果您也觉得临近午夜电影还不错的话,请将本页分享给朋友一起来体验临近午夜西瓜影音手机在线播放的乐趣;除了临近午夜西瓜影音无删减点播模式,还有吉吉影音、QVOD快播、腾讯视频、搜狐视频、优酷视频、土豆网、乐视网、爱奇艺、PPTV和百度云盘网盘等免费在线播放以及720p 1080p高清mp4下载;另外,本站还有最新电影高清完整版、热播电视剧全集、搞笑综艺节目和好看的动画片等国语版、粤语版、BD、HD高清版资源种子。 2015-12-15 10:51:31
